Saturday, December 24

Family & Food

Ahhhh. We had a FEAST for dinner. Mostly finger-food-type stuff, but it was all really good. I know we were all very happily stuffed when it was over. Here's a little look @ what we had...

What a spread!

The drive up was easy-peasy; practically no traffic! The weather was fine, and other than my rear getting a bit numb from sitting for so long, it was a lovely morning! Here's what we had for dessert:
Fruit Pizza! (Yummy Yummy!)
(Every time I think "Fruit Pizza" It sounds like the Wiggles singing "Fruit Salad". Wow. I hate them.) LOL But I do love my Mother-in-law's cooking!!
I've been quite content this Christmas season with not getting much interest in the gifting-buying-selling-chaos. In all honesty, though, my consumerism-downfall is eating. I seriously want to cut down on the food intake. It just feels better to be a lower weight for me.
I hope you're all settling down with a full-ish belly, spending time with family or those you love...
Just for Today, I'm grateful.

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