Tuesday, November 18


Hi there, beloved and faithful friends! If you are reading this, I will consider you a friend, not entirely b/c I have so FEW, but primarily b/c I'm just feeling a kind of philo-love for some odd reason.
I have a dear friend here who tells me that she watches for me to post something, and truly has a problem when I don't post for a few days. (Which is just about the sweetest thing for a wanna-be writer to hear, now isn't it?!) I have been rather consumeed with the process of creating my new bedroom, and talking to my Sweet friend in Ohio. I went again, 2 weeks ago, and actually went to his church this time. I really liked it. Can't remember if I already mentioned that.
My back has been really hurting terribly for about a month now, I'm not sure why it's gotten worse suddenly, but I am getting really anxious to get my new BED here. My awesome brother is making me a raised-platform for it, and I will FINALLY be able to get the excess stuff in this apartment OUT of sight!!! Althought I have been getting the clutter reduced by leaps and bounds, it's still way too much for me. I suspect my all-or-nothing thinking is kicking in. No, I take that back, it IS kicking in, and I'm not all that interested in stopping it. If I could rid myself of all the unnecessary items that weigh me down, I know I would walk SO much lighter. Life is dreary when I let the THINGS get into my mind. I don't really care about them. I HAVE actually missed a couple of things here and there, that I've gotten rid of, but over all, I probably won't ever think again of most of it. I only want to keep track of the most sentimental things, like stuff of Dad's and my boy's baby momentos. Otherwise, what importance is there REALLY?? None. That's right.
I read a blog not long ago of someone who is paring down to 100 items of his own possession. 100. Period. Can you imagine??!! I'd LOVE to do that. He counts underwear and socks as one item, which I can see, and I'd probably put necessary FEMALE toiletries down as one item as well. But really, what could be more freeing than having practically NOTHING to be concerned about?!

Here's a picture of my Sweet friend.

He's a real Mountain-Man looking guy, huh? "I've been a searching for a heart of gold..."
and, yes, I am getting old. lol


  1. The problem with trying to get rid of your stuff it that your kids grow up, leave home, and leave theirs. G-d forbid you should throw something away.

  2. ROFL you are a wise, wise woman. lol
    Thanks for the reply.


Please let me know what your thoughts are. The check's in the mail. ; )
